Entering Renault’s studio, one recognises the appreciation of basic elements, natural colours, fundamental materials and unpretentious settings. There’s an underlying sensibility for the details and for the whole, a desire to create coherence betwee


 Entering Renault’s studio, one recognises the appreciation of basic elements, natural colours, fundamental materials and unpretentious settings. There’s an underlying sensibility for the details and for the whole, a desire to create coherence betwee

Entering Renault’s studio, one recognises the appreciation of basic elements, natural colours, fundamental materials and unpretentious settings. There’s an underlying sensibility for the details and for the whole, a desire to create coherence between it all.

 An object doesn’t just exist on its own, it is closely connected to its environment and all the different ways we perceive and use it. The work of Julien Renault demonstrates a strong awareness of the interconnectedness of objects and their surround

An object doesn’t just exist on its own, it is closely connected to its environment and all the different ways we perceive and use it. The work of Julien Renault demonstrates a strong awareness of the interconnectedness of objects and their surroundings.

 With a well-trained photographic eye, Julien observes the details that others might think of as banal and common, convinced that all objects have a subconscious effect on our daily lives. Open-minded and explorative, he finds inspiration everywhere

With a well-trained photographic eye, Julien observes the details that others might think of as banal and common, convinced that all objects have a subconscious effect on our daily lives. Open-minded and explorative, he finds inspiration everywhere and he is not afraid of beautifying the ordinary.

 Through neat and clear imagery, Renault underlines the essential and communicates his ideas in an understandable and spartan way. His work is always exposed in line with what it is.

Through neat and clear imagery, Renault underlines the essential and communicates his ideas in an understandable and spartan way. His work is always exposed in line with what it is.